
Most expenses associated with billing become our responsibility.


Guaranteed HIPAA compliant.

  • Challenges Faced by Healthcare Providers Today:

    • Employee Turnover
    • Greater Patient Loads
    • Higher Patient Expectations
    • Lower Insurance Reimbursements
    • Ever-Increasing Paperwork Demands
    • Constant Changes in Insurance Requirements
    • HIPAA & Medicare Compliance Requirements
    • Employee Wages/Vacations/Overtime/Training & Seminar Cost
    • Billing Expense/Computer/Supplies/Repair & Maintenance/Upgrades/Postage
  • medicaid-bill 

Your employees, although good are paid by the hour and are not necessarily motivated by how much or how quickly money is generated by your accounts receivables.  Our Income Depends On Your Income.  We are highly motivated to maximize your monthly revenue.

AMM Will Accomplish This By Providing These Benefits:

  • We don’t get paid until after you get paid.
  • Payments and EOB’s are sent directly to you for immediate deposit.
  • Certified Coders on staff to review charge slips to ensure maximum reimbursement & communicate concerns before claim is submitted and denied.
  • Superbills and EOB’s are picked up by AMM employee, and then returned after processing.
  • “All electronic billing”, speeds up turn around time to as little as 7 days in some cases.
  • Carrier specific front-end audits of claims to ensure acceptance on first submission.
  • We attend latest billing update seminars.
  • We handle time-consuming telephones follow-ups.
  • You receive reports of daily charges and payments posted to your account.
  • Monthly reports give you tools to more effectively manage your practice.
  • Reduces in office stress of employees.  Personnel will be happier, calmer and better able to interact with the main concern of you’re office -THE PATIENTS.

Our fee is a percentage of collected, which we mutually agreed to.  Our fee is probably not the cheapest however, whatever the percentage agreed to is “all inclusive”, meaning we don’t advertise/charge our clients a lower percentage only to then nickel & dime them with “clearing-house fee” printing, stuffing of envelopes and postage for patient statements, or require practice use a certain EMR or Practice Management software etc… For more information, please contact us.

Cost Benefit Analysis What are things really costing you?